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21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

El hecho de que el verano esté llegando a su fin no significa que tengas que guardar algunos de tus sabores de temporada favoritos. La salchicha ahumada puede sacudir sus papilas gustativas en la parrilla, pero si agrega algunos ingredientes más, puede convertir este sabroso sabor del verano en algunos platos que lo harán regresar por más.

¡Sigue leyendo para obtener una lista personal de recetas favoritas que agregan pastas, especias, verduras y queso para mezclar y hacer una fiesta en tu boca!

Comodidad acogedora

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

¿Qué va mejor con la salchicha que con las patatas? Este sencillo plato es comida reconfortante en su máxima expresión, y solo lleva poco tiempo prepararlo y cocinarlo. Simplemente corta un poco de bondad ahumada y papas, agrega un poco de condimento y dóralo todo para una comida acogedora de la que querrás más. Me gusta usar buen hierro fundido para estas recetas y la mejor parte es que los hierros fundidos no son muy caros.

  • 14 onzas salchicha ahumada, en rodajas
  • 2 libras de papas rojas, limpias y rebanadas
  • 1/2 cebolla mediana, en rodajas o en cubitos
  • 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva o grasa de tocino
  • 1 1/2 cucharaditas de salvia
  • 1 diente de ajo picado
  • una pizca de cayena o salsa picante (opcional)
  1. En una sartén grande caliente el aceite de oliva a fuego medio-alto, agregue las papas rebanadas. (Puede colocarlos planos para que queden más crujientes por cada lado. Si lo hace, tardará unos 10 minutos en cocinarse por cada lado. Y normalmente uso 2 sartenes grandes para hacerlo más rápido. O simplemente puede tíralos a la sartén y revuélvelos para obtener una papa más suave). Dora las papas, revolviendo ocasionalmente.
  2. Cuando las papas estén cocidas en un 85 % o en los últimos 5 minutos de cocción, agregue la salchicha, la cebolla, el ajo, la salvia y la salsa picante.
  3. Reduzca el fuego a medio y cocine hasta que la salchicha esté caliente y las cebollas estén blandas. Quieres una proporción de 60/40 con papas y salchichas

Receta de Forkful of Comfort

Hearty Heaven in a Pan

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Este plato de aspecto complicado es todo lo contrario. Todo lo que se necesita es una sartén, su elección de salchichas, productos lácteos, caldo de pollo y condimentos para crear un abundante favorito de la familia que puede mezclar con sus especias y complementos favoritos. ¡Considere esto como una receta permanente en la rotación de comidas familiares!

  • 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva
  • 1 libra de salchicha
  • ½ taza de cebolla picada
  • 1 cucharada de ajo picado
  • 2 tazas de caldo de pollo
  • 1 lata (14 oz) de tomates cortados en cubitos
  • ½ taza de leche
  • 8 onzas de pasta seca
  • ½ cucharadita de sal y pimienta, cada una
  • 2 tazas de queso Cheddar-Jack rallado
  • ¼ de cucharadita de hojuelas de pimiento rojo
  • ⅓ taza de cebolletas picadas, para decorar
  1. Coloque el aceite de oliva en su sartén a fuego medio - agregue las cebollas y la salchicha - cocine por 5 minutos - agregue el ajo y todos los condimentos - cocine por 2 minutos
  2. Agregue el caldo de pollo, los tomates, la leche y la pasta; hierva la mezcla; baje el fuego y cubra durante 15 minutos
  3. Todavía en queso
  4. Servir y decorar

Receta de Budget Savvy Diva

Mezcla de Salchicha Satisfactoria (en una Sartén)

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más
Los brebajes de una sola sartén están de moda entre los ocupados cocineros de la familia. Considere esta versión actualizada del brócoli y el arroz con queso agregando salchichas ahumadas y verduras de temporada. ¡Cocine a fuego lento, coloque y sirva!

  • 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva
  • 1 cucharada de mantequilla
  • 1 libra de salchicha ahumada o kielbasa, en rodajas de ¼ de pulgada de grosor
  • 1 cebolla pequeña, picada
  • 1 pimiento rojo pequeño, sin semillas y picado
  • 2 tazas de floretes de brócoli
  • 1½ tazas de arroz cocido
  • 1 cucharadita de ajo en polvo
  • 1 cucharadita de sal de cebolla
  • ¼ de cucharadita de pimienta
  • 1 taza de queso cheddar extra fuerte rallado
  1. Calienta una sartén grande a fuego medio-alto. Agregue mantequilla y aceite de oliva hasta que la mantequilla chisporrotee.
  2. Agregue la rebanada de salchicha ahumada y las cebollas. Cocine durante unos 5 minutos hasta que la cebolla esté tierna y la salchicha comience a dorarse.
  3. Agregue el pimiento rojo y el brócoli. Tape, reduzca el fuego y cocine unos 5 minutos.
  4. Agregue el arroz cocido, el ajo en polvo y la sal de cebolla. Combine bien, cubra y caliente hasta que el arroz esté caliente.
  5. Agregue el queso rallado y retire del fuego. Agrega el queso hasta que se derrita.

Receta de The Midnight Baker

Color Pan Pop (una vez más)

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más
Si tiene 15 minutos y una sartén, entonces tiene tiempo para mezclar papas cortadas en cubitos , salchichas, cebollas y pimientos para este picadillo combinado que no es solo para el desayuno. No solo es súper delicioso, sino que también es muy bueno para ti si usas un aceite de oliva ligero y te pones pesado con las verduras.

  • 1 paquete (14 onzas) de kielbasa de pavo, cortado en rodajas de 1/4 de pulgada
  • 1 pimiento verde cortado en cubitos
  • 1/2 pimiento amarillo, rojo o naranja, cortado en cubitos
  • 1 cebolla, picada
  • 3 patatas pequeñas o 2 grandes, peladas y cortadas en dados
  • aceite de oliva
  • sal y pimienta
  1. En una sartén de fondo grueso (me gusta usar mi de hierro fundido), caliente 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva a fuego medio-alto. Agregue las papas a la sartén y sazone con sal y pimienta. Freír hasta que estén dorados y bien cocidos, alrededor de 8-10 minutos, revolviendo varias veces para asegurar un dorado uniforme.
  2. En una sartén aparte, dore la kielbasa en rodajas durante unos 5 minutos en 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva a fuego medio-alto. Retire la kielbasa de la sartén y reserve. Agregue los pimientos y las cebollas a la sartén y sazone con una pizca de sal y pimienta. Cocine durante 5 minutos o hasta que se ablanden, revolviendo ocasionalmente.
  3. Agregue las papas cocidas y la kielbasa a la sartén con las cebollas y los pimientos y mezcle todo. ¡Sirve rico y caliente!

Receta de The Two Bite Club

Explosión de sartén de paladar cajún

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Toma este alfredo con un toque cajún y sírvelo con una sonrisa. Este será sin duda el favorito de la casa y es tan increíblemente fácil de hacer que te preguntarás por qué nunca lo hiciste antes. ¿Buscas una patada extra? Agregue algunos camarones, algunos pimientos cortados en cubitos o cualquier otra cosa que le apetezca.

  • 1 paquete (14 onzas) de salchicha ahumada de pavo, cortada en rebanadas de 1/4 de pulgada
  • 8 onzas de pasta
  • 2 tazas de crema espesa
  • 1 cucharada de condimento cajún
  • 1/2 taza de queso parmesano rallado
  1. Prepara la pasta según las instrucciones del paquete; escurrir y reservar.
  2. Saltea la salchicha en una sartén grande a fuego medio-alto durante 5 minutos, volteándola de vez en cuando.
  3. Agregue la crema y el condimento cajún; llevar a hervir. Reduzca el calor; cocine a fuego lento durante 3-4 minutos o hasta que la mezcla comience a espesar.
  4. Retirar del fuego, agregar el queso parmesano.
  5. Agregue la pasta a la salsa y revuelva.

Receta de pollo sencillo

Toma cajún dos

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más
Esta cacerola cajún es una versión simple de una versión de sartén, pero siéntete libre de divertirte un poco con the seasoning to add some extra flair each time you serve this up. Rustic Italian? Ranchy bacon cheddar? Jamaican Lime? All it takes is a seasoning packet substitution and it’s a new meal every time!

  • 16 ounces dry pasta
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 2 cups half and half
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 cups mozzarella cheese, divided
  • 1-2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 (12 oz) fully cooked smoked sausage, any variety
  1. Cook pasta according to package directions until just al dente; drain.
  2. While pasta cooks, melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook until fragrant, 1-2 minutes. Stir in flour.
  3. Whisk in chicken broth until smooth, then stir in half and half.
  4. Add salt, pepper, cayenne, and red pepper flakes and simmer until sauce is thickened about 5 minutes.
  5. Stir in Parmesan cheese and 1 cup of mozzarella until cheeses are melted and smooth.
  6. Slice sausage into 1/4 inch pieces and add to the sauce, along with the chopped parsley and cooked pasta. Season with additional salt and pepper if needed.
  7. Preheat broiler. Pour the pasta mixture into a lightly greased, 9×13 inch baking dish. Top with remaining mozzarella cheese.
  8. Broil for 2-3 minutes, or until cheese is bubbly and golden.

Recipe from Lets Dish Recipes

Bountiful Beans

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Baked beans are a cookout staple, but bring the love indoors when you add in some smoked sausage. Top with a little cheddar, serve over cornbread, top with crushed crackers…whatever your decision this is sure to be a big hit as a side (or main dish) to any meal.

  • 2 slices bacon, chopped into ½-inch pieces
  • 1 sweet onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • ½ pound smoked sausage (I use kielbasa), sliced
  • 3 (16-ounce) cans pork and beans
  • ½ cup ketchup
  • ⅓ cup packed light brown sugar
  • ¼ cup molasses
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons yellow mustard
  • ¼ to ½ teaspoon hot sauce (I use TABASCO)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a Dutch oven, cook bacon until crispy. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on a paper towel-lined plate.
  3. Add onion to bacon drippings and cook until soft.
  4. Add garlic and smoked sausage and cook until sausage is browned.
  5. Stir in remaining ingredients. Bring to a simmer. Place Dutch oven, uncovered, in oven and cook for 45 to 55 minutes, until thick.

Recipe from Spicy Southern Kitchen

Seasonal Sausage Bonanza

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

  • 1 pound smoked sausage, sliced into large chunks
  • 2 1/2 pounds red skin potatoes, scrubbed and cut into large chunks
  • 10 ounces green beans (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 large onion, peeled and cut into slices
  • 1/2 cup good-quality Italian dressing
  • Pinch kosher salt
  • Pinch black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon each fresh rosemary and thyme leaves (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease a very large baking dish/baking sheet tray with either non-stick spray or a bit of olive oil.
  2. In a large bowl, add the sausage, potatoes, onions and green beans. Pour in dressing. Season with a little salt and pepper. Sprinkle in the herbs (if using) and give everything a good toss or stir.
  3. Pour into the baking dish and cover tightly with foil.
  4. Bake for 30 minutes. Retire del horno. Remove foil and gently stir to rotate the ingredients in the baking dish.
  5. Return baking dish to oven (uncovered).  Increase oven temperature to 400 degrees.  Bake for an additional 35 – 45 minutes (or until potatoes have browned a bit and everything is nice and roasted).  Stir a few times during this final baking time to ensure that everything roasts evenly.
  6. Serve immediately.  Great with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese on top.

Recipe from Joyously Domestic

Perfectly Paired Packets

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Cajun, Old Bay, ranch, citrus, chipotle (or whatever you can dream up) seasonings top off this quick take on a classic seafood boil. Combine your perfect mix with sausage, shrimp, corn, and potatoes (plus any other type of veggie you want to add) to a foil packet for an explosion of buttery, steamed yumminess.

  • 8-12 pieces of corn on the cob (4 full cobs cut in half or in thirds)
  • 4 red potatoes, washed and cubed
  • 20-30 uncooked shrimp (peeled or not, it’s up to you)
  • 1 Lb. smoked sausage, cut into chunks
  • melted butter (or olive oil), to taste
  • 1/2 c. chicken broth (you may not need that much)
  • Cajun/Creole seasoning (we like to use Tony Chachere’s brand), to taste
    salt and pepper, to taste
  1. Heat grill to 400-degrees (you can do this in your oven, too, at the same temp.).
  2. Evenly distribute corn, potatoes, shrimp, and sausage between 4 heavy-duty foil sheets (appx 12×18 inches each).
  3. Drizzle melted butter and about 2 Tbsp. chicken broth over each foil packet.
  4. Season evenly (and generously), to taste with Cajun seasoning and salt and pepper.
  5. Tightly seal foil packets by folding up the sides over the contents and tightly folding up the ends over the seam.
  6. Grill 30-40 minutes or until potatoes are tender, flipping once half-way through (be careful opening the packets to check for doneness, the steam inside is VERY hot)!

Recipe from Nice Food for every days

Southern Saute

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Sauteed cabbage, peppers, and onions smother a good sausage for a taste combo created as a deep Southern take on the Southwestern fajita. Served with warm honey cornbread and black-eyed peas, and you have every staple needed to bring them running to the supper table.

  • 1 lb smoked sausage
  • 1 16 ounce bag coleslaw
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth, low sodium
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 green bell pepper, sliced
  • 1 red bell pepper, sliced
  • 1/2 white onion, sliced
  • 2 teaspoons creole seasoning
  • 2 teaspoons black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons onion powder
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • hot cooked rice
  1. Rinse sausage, slice into 1/2 inch thick slices and set aside.
  2. In a large pan over medium heat add about 1 tablespoon olive oil.
  3. Add sausage to pan and brown about 5 minutes.
  4. Add peppers and onions to the pan, season with all the spices, mix well and cook 5 minutes.
  5. Add garlic and cabbage mixture, mix well.
  6. Add broth and cook around 7-8 minutes are until cabbage is tender.
  7. Serve over hot rice.

Recipe from Creole Contessa

Red Rice Renewal

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Red rice is a tomato based staple in the Southern states, and you can combine it with a variety of options to tempt your taste buds. This simple recipe chars up some onions and bell peppers to toss with sausage and mix in with a fabulous homemade red rice recipe that can serve as a stand-alone side to any dish.


  • Canola oil
  • 1 (12 ounce) package smoked beef sausage (or your favorite variety), sliced
  • 1 white onion, quartered and sliced
  • 1 red bell pepper, cored and sliced
  • 1 yellow bell pepper, cored and sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, pressed through garlic press
  • Sal
  • Black pepper
  • 3 ounces (about half a tin) tomato paste
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 4 cups cooked rice
  • 1 teapsoon paprika
  • 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
  • 1 tablepoon chopped flat-leaf parsley
  1. Place a large cast-iron skillet (or heavy bottom braising/Dutch oven-style pan) over medium-high to high heat; once the skillet/pan becomes hot, drizzle in about 1 tablespoon of oil, and once that shimmers, add in the sliced sausage, and leave it undisturbed for a couple of moments, in order for it to sear up on that first side; then, stir the sausage so that it can brown on the other sides for a few moments, and with a slotted spoon remove from pan and set aside.
  2. Add into the skillet/pan the sliced onion, along with the sliced red and yellow bell peppers, and allow those to char and become golden, for about 3-4 minutes; then, add in the garlic and a couple of pinches of salt and pepper, and stir to incorporate.
  3. Once the garlic becomes aromatic, remove everything from the pan, and set it aside with the sausage.
  4. Reduce the heat to low, and drizzle in a little more oil (about a tablespoon or so); add in the tomato paste and about ½ cup of the stock and stir or whisk to blend, allowing it to cook for about 15-30 seconds just to cook out the raw flavor and soften it a little bit.
  5. Add in the rice and sprinkle over the paprika, and stir so that it gets well-coated in the tomato paste/stock.
  6. Add back into the skillet the sausage and the charred onions and peppers, plus the rest of the stock, and stir to combine everything well.
  7. Finish by stirring in the chopped cilantro and parsley, and then check to see if any additional salt and pepper is needed (you can even add some red pepper flakes if you like it spicy), and serve.

Recipe from The Cozy Apron

Black-Eyed New Year

In some households, tradition call for a big pot of black-eyed peas to bring in the new year. Good at any time of year, black-eyed peas slow cooked with a smoked sausage and seasonings create a hearty meal best served with a big appetite!

  • 12 – 16 ounces smoked sausage
  • 1 cup chopped yellow onion
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne
  • 4 whole cloves garlic
  • 5 sprigs of fresh thyme
  • 4 bay leaves
  • 3 teaspoons finely chopped Italian parsley
  • 8 cups chicken stock
  • 1 pound dried black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • Minced green onions, to garnish (optional)
  1. Slice the sausage and cook it in a large pot over medium heat to render some of the fat. (Mine didn’t yield much.)
  2. Add the onions, salt, cayenne, whole garlic cloves, bay leaves, thyme, and parsley to the pan. Cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes, until the onion begins to soften.
  3. Add the chicken stock, black-eyed peas, and minced garlic.
  4. Bring to a boil, and simmer, covered for about 1 ½ hours, until the peas are tender. Serve garnished with green onions, if desired.

Recipe from In The Kitchen with Kath

 Summer Sizzle

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Nothing screams summer quite like fresh garden veggies spritzed with olive oil, seasoned, and grill to perfection. Toss in some top-notch sausage for flavor and protein, add a little tomato for color, and you have a light, healthy meal to go to on a hot summer night.

  • 2 medium zucchini, sliced
  • 2 medium summer squash, sliced
  • 1 large onion, sliced into rings
  • 1 lb fresh green beans, trimmed
  • 1 large sweet pepper, sliced
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 4 sausage links, sliced


  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon coconut sugar (or brown sugar)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 tablespoons fresh minced basil
  • 2 tablespoons fresh minced oregano
  1. Slice the sausage and cook it in a large pot over medium heat to render some of the fat. (Mine didn’t yield much.)
  2. Add the onions, salt, cayenne, whole garlic cloves, bay leaves, thyme, and parsley to the pan. Cook, stirring occasionally, for about 5 minutes, until the onion begins to soften.
  3. Add the chicken stock, black-eyed peas, and minced garlic.
  4. Bring to a boil, and simmer, covered for about 1 ½ hours, until the peas are tender. Serve garnished with green onions, if desired.

Recipe from Whole And Heavenly Oven

 Salivate Over Spinach and Sausage

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

I love to cook with fresh spinach, and this recipe has everything you have to love in a meal:spinach, sausage, pasta, and cheese. Toss in a few veggies and mix together in a skillet to create an easy, filling meal. You can do a lot with this recipe and add in your favorite flavors to make it all yours.

  • 6 oz. smoked sausage
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 (14.5 oz.) can diced tomatoes w/chiles
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 8 oz. pasta
  • 3 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 cup (4 oz.) shredded Monterrey jack
  • 1 whole green onion
  1. Thinly slice the smoked sausage and add it to a large skillet with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Saute the sausage over medium heat until it is nicely browned (about 5-7 minutes). Drain off the excess fat.
  2. Dice the onion and add it to the skillet. Continue to saute until the onion has softened (about 5 minutes). Add the can of diced tomatoes with chiles and the chicken broth. Stir to combine and dissolve any browned bits off of the bottom of the skillet.
  3. Add the uncooked pasta to the skillet and make sure it is all submerged under the liquid. Place a lid on the skillet and allow the mixture to come up to a boil. Once it reaches a boil, turn the heat down to low and let it simmer for about ten minutes, or until the pasta is tender. Stir once or twice while the pasta cooks to keep it from sticking.
  4. Stir in the fresh spinach, one cup at a time, until wilted. If you add it all at once, the skillet will be too full to stir. Keep the heat on while adding the spinach, so the liquid will continue to simmer and thicken.
  5. Sprinkle the shredded cheese on top, replace the lid, and let it sit for a few minutes, or until the cheese is melted. Slice the green onions and sprinkle them over top. Serve hot!

Recipe from Budget Bytes

Jalapenos Poppers with a POP

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

My favorite summer grilling indulgence is making cheesy, bacony, spicy, jalapeno poppers. Now picture this:a slice of smoky sausage yumminess nestled between the cheese and bacon, topped with a sprinkle of brown sugar… Hopefully, I have your attention and you are headed to the kitchen to try this right now!

  • 1 pound ground pork sausage (or little smoked sausages)
  • 1 package softened cream cheese
  • 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 lb Bacon, sliced into 1/3’s (partially cooked if you want it a little crispier)
  • 1 pound large fresh jalapeno peppers, halved lengthwise and seeded
  • Brown Sugar (optional)
  1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F (220 C).
  2. Place the sausage in a skillet over medium heat, cook until evenly brown. Drain grease.
  3. Mix the sausage, cream cheese, and Parmesan cheese in a large bowl.
  4. Spoon 1 tablespoon sausage mixture into each jalapeno.
  5. Wrap each link with Bacon
  6. Place the stuffed halves in baking dishes. (Sprinkle with Brown Sugar if desired)
  7. Cook 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until bubbly and lightly browned.

Recipe from MyFridgeFood

Garlic Herb Florets

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Bacon, broccoli, and sausage have browned a bed of garlic herb butter in this crazy, uncomplicated recipe for one – or one hundred depending on how popular you become over this flavor explosion. I say drizzle it with a mild melted cheddar and really make your taste buds go crazy.

  • 3 slices of thin sliced bacon, cut into bite size pieces
  • 1 bunch of broccoli with florets cut into bite size pieces
  • 2 polish sausage links, sliced into bite size pieces
  • 1 square, LandOLakes Saute Express- Garlic and Herb
  1. Fry bacon in a nonstick pan and when cooked entirely remove the bacon from the pan but leave the grease.
  2. Add the Saute Express square to the pan and stir quickly to melt.
  3. Toss in broccoli and continue to stir non-stop until broccoli is almost completed.
  4. Add polish sausage and stir another minute to heat thoroughly. Serve hot. This could also be good with cheese on it but I liked it as is. One very large serving or 2 small.

Recipe from Grace2882

Skewered Sausage and Shrimp

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Not much goes together better than sausage and shrimp. And this recipe is a fun way to serve up some of our favorite grilling combinations as an appetizer, light side dish, or topper to a fresh garden salad. And did I mention it’s an absolute no-brainer to put together in a flash?

  • 1lb 16/20 count raw jumbo shrimp, peeled and deveined, tails left on
  • 7oz Andouille sausage link (or Kielbasa if you want a mild sausage)
  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 Tablespoons Cajun seasoning, divided
  • 1/3 cup mayonnaise
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon juice
  • 6-8 bamboo skewers
  1. Soak skewers in water for at least 30 minutes to prevent them from catching fire on the grill.
  2. Pat shrimp dry with paper towels then toss in a large bowl with oil and 1 Tablespoon Cajun seasoning.
  3. Slice Andouille sausage the same thickness as the shrimp then tuck sausage slices between the curve of the shrimp and skewer (I fit three shrimp and sausage slices on each skewer.)
  4. Combine mayonnaise, remaining Tablespoon Cajun seasoning, and lemon juice in a bowl then mix to combine. Store in refrigerator (can be done 1-2 days ahead of time.)
  5. Preheat grill over high heat for 10 minutes then turn heat down to medium-high. Spray both sides of skewers with nonstick spray then grill for 1-2 minutes per side or until shrimp are opaque and cooked through. Serve skewers with dipping sauce.

Not Your Momma’s Grilled Cheese

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Over the years grilled cheese has morphed from a simple comfort food into an explosion of colors and flavors – as a comfort food. Grilled cheese has so many possibilities, including a medley of cheesy goodness hiding a flavor punch of your favorite smoked sausage. Try using a rye bread to really bring out the flavors of this cheesy combo.

  • 2 Tbsp. butter, softened
  • 2 slices marble rye bread
  • 6 inch piece of smoked sausage
  • ¼ c. whipped cream cheese
  • ¼ c. Gouda, shredded
  • ¼ c. sharp cheddar, shredded
  1. Spread one side of each slice of bread with a Tablespoon of butter.
  2. On the opposite sides of the bread, spread 2 Tablespoons of cream cheese and top with the shredded cheese.
  3. Slice the sausage into three pieces lengthwise and cook in a small skillet over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, or until heated through.
  4. Place the sausage on the cheese and bread and fold everything together, butter sides facing out.
  5. Place the sandwich in the same skillet over medium heat and cook covered on each side for 2-3, or until golden brown.
  6. Serve immediately

Recipe from The Creative Bite


21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

A lot of people don’t think of sausage in a soup, but when you ponder the concept, it makes a lot of sense. Sausage will render out both a bit of fat and salt – two much-needed seasonings added into soups to provide the textures and flavors soup lovers crave. Mix up a pot of this concoction on the next rainy day you have and make everyone happy!

  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 12 oz beef Polska Kiebasa Sausage, sliced into 1/4-inch thick slices (I used Hillshire Farm and really liked it)
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped carrots (about 3)
  • 1 1/3 cups chopped yellow onion (1 medium)
  • 1 cup chopped celery (2 stalks)
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 (14.5 oz cans) low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1 taza de agua
  • 1 Tbsp dried parsley
  • 1 tsp dried rosemary, crushed
  • 1/2 tsp dried oregano
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • 6 oz kale, thick ribs removed, chopped (about 1 1/2 bunches. 5 oz if using pre-cut)
  • 2 (14.5 oz) cans cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
  • Shredded parmesan cheese, for serving
  1. Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat.
  2. Add sausage and cook until slightly browned, tossing occasionally about 5 minutes.
  3. Remove sausage, while leaving oil in pan, and drain sausage on a plate lined with paper towels and set aside.
  4. Return pot with oil to medium heat, add carrots, onion, and celery and saute 3 minutes (while scraping bottom of pan to get the browned bits), add garlic and saute 1 minute longer.
  5. Stir in chicken broth, water, parsley, rosemary, oregano and season with salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, and allow to gently boil 10 minutes.
  6. Add kale and allow to boil 10 minutes longer until kale and veggies are tender.
  7. Stir in cooked sausage and cannellini beans (you can add more broth at this point to thin if desired).
  8. Serve warm, top each serving with parmesan cheese.

Recipe from Cooking Classy

*También te puede interesar: Fresh Pumpkin Cornbread Recipe

Ladle Up the Lentil!

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

Lentils are a popular legume used in many dishes, especially soups. This comforting addition adds in a smoked sausage and parmesan to kick it up a notch and make a traditional starter the main meal.

  • 1 pound smoked sausage, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 sweet onion, chopped
  • 4 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons dried basil
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano
  • 1 pinch crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 cups dried lentils
  • 1 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes
  • 6 cups reduced-sodium chicken stock or broth
  • 1 cup freshly grated parmagiano-reggiano (parmesan)
  • juice of 1/4 lemon (or to taste)
  1. Heat a large dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add sausage and cook, stirring occasionally, until nicely browned. Remove sausage with a slotted spoon and set aside.
  2. Reduce heat to medium and add the olive oil, onions, celery and carrots to drippings in pan. Cook, stirring occasionally, until onions are soft, about five minutes. Sprinkle in basil, oregano and red pepper flakes, cook one minute. Add garlic, cook one more minute.
  3. Add lentils, crushed tomatoes, chicken stock and bay leaf, stirring well to combine. Bring to a boil then reduce heat and simmer until lentils are soft, at least another hour.
  4. When lentils are soft and soup is ready to be served, season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in parmesan and reserved sausage along with a squeeze of the lemon to brighten up the flavor (to taste). Serve with extra grated parmesan on the side along with a crusty bread.

Recipe from The Wicked Noodle

Sweeten Up Your Sausage

21 recetas de salchichas ahumadas para hacerte babear por más

No party is complete without a crockpot of little smoky, slow-cooked sausages. If you’ve been struggling to find that perfect recipe, then look no further:this recipe boasts only two ingredients and still serves up a crowd favorite that will have them coming back for more. Plus it’s easy on your pocketbook.

  • 1 (16-ounce) package smoked sausage
  • 1 1/2 cups maple syrup
  1. Cut sausage into 1-inch rounds.
  2. Place in large skillet over medium heat and add the maple syrup. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Serve piping hot.

Cook’s Note:
Sausages can be cooked in a crock-pot on low for 2 hours.

Recipe from Food Network

What Are You Waiting For?

A nearby grocery is calling your name! Pick your favorites from the list above, invite a few friends over, pour some beverages, and serve up your summertime favorites as a medley of flavors you can dish up year round.

Which was your favorite? Let us know below how you love to prepare the yummy flavors of smoked sausage off the grill and don’t forget to save and share this list to keep coming back for more!